
Standard buttons


Small Normal Large

Buttons with icons

Some extra/special buttons with iframes

Vimeo video Youtube Open image

You can create any buttons you need. Can be used standard buttons or buttons with icons (can be mixed colors, sizes, targets and icons). All available icons for buttons you can find on http://themes.muffingroup.com/tisson/shortcodes/icons

You can add any button you need using below shortcode:

[button link="http://muffingroup.com" title="Default" ]

[button link="http://muffingroup.com" target="_blank" title="Custom" size="large" color="red"]

[button link="http://muffingroup.com/" target="_blank" title="<i class='icon-ok'></i> Accept" size="large" color="blue"]

[button link="http://muffingroup.com/" target="_blank" title="<i class='icon-remove'></i> Delete" color="red"]

[button link="http://muffingroup.com/" target="_blank" title="<i class='icon-refresh'></i> Refresh" size="large" color="orange" class="fancybox"]

  • link – button link
  • title – button title
  • target (optional) – link target, ex. “_blank”
  • size (optional) – button size, available: “small”, “normal” (default), “large”
  • color (optional) – button color, available: “red”, “orange”, “green”, “blue”, “yellow”
  • class (optional) – this option is useful when you want to use Fancybox (fancybox) or Video Iframe (iframe)

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